Trace Albrecht is a licensed acupucturist with 25 years of experience.
She received her medical training and Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Emperor’s College. Her clinic, LA Herbs & Acupuncture, is located in West Los Angeles. Trace has more than twenty-five years of experience working with body/mind medicine as a licensed acupuncturist, cranio-sacral therapist and massage therapist. Trace has received additional training at the MD Anderson Integrative Oncology Conference, as well as attending yearly training with integrative oncology pioneer and researcher, Daniel Weber, PhD. Trace has trained with psychiatrist and trauma researcher, Bessel van der Kolk, and co-founded the multi-disciplinary LA Integrative Trauma Center. During the past 13 years, Trace and her beloved teacher, Yvonne Farrell have developed a rigorous and dynamic continuing education and mentorship curriculum for licensed acupuncturists. She was inspired to create SPOKENPOINT in response to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.